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mobile marektingWhen it comes to shopping, moms are one of the most frequent shoppers. This is why it is also beneficial to market to mothers. Right now, all people are not technically shopping from mobiles but most are. However, most people are using their handheld devices to locate a store and compare prices. A recent study was made and this was revealed in the new Greystripe report.

The survey showed the 45% of all moms or nearly half are using their smartphones for store locations and 36% are using their mobile devices for product and price comparison.

This goes to show that smartphones are also power tools for moms especially when they are on the go. A lot of mothers nowadays are using smartphones for day to day tasks – particularly with shopping. This makes mothers a great targeted audience for advertisers.

Survey Says

In the Greystripe survey, it found that 66% of the mothers right now are making use of their handheld devices during their shopping ventures. Listed below are some of the ways that they use their mobile devices:

  • 91% of the mothers prefer free applications with ads rather than paid-apps with no advertising.
  • 55% of the mothers are persuaded to purchase products because of mobile advertising
  • 45% of moms use handheld devices to find nearby stores
  • 36% of the mothers make use of smartphones to compare prices
  • 32% of these mothers make use of mobile phones to create and store shopping lists
  • 31% of moms use mobile phones for product research
  • 21% of mothers make us of smartphones to look for recipes

The study involved 230 random women with children that make use of iPhone and iPod Touch gadgets and Android devices.

As a whole, there are approximately more than 234 million Americans that are using their mobile phones or handheld devices to call, text or connect through their mobile browsers. Mobile advertising could mean added customers to your small business. Especially if targeted at the right audience.


Mobile advertising makes it easy to target the right audience.  Do you know who yours is?