by sandisturm | Mobile Marketing
Today, most everybody in the world is in possession of a cell phone. This is why many companies today are taking advantage of this widespread use of cell phones to market their products. SMS Text Message Marketing SMS is an important aspect and have now become common...
by sandisturm | Mobile Marketing, mobile websites, Small Business Marketing
Fine tuning your mobile presence is becoming more of a necessity in your small business marketing mix. More people are checking their mobile devices for browsing, searching, checking email, chatting, and shopping. How does your company look on a mobile device? Here...
by sandisturm | Blogging, Mobile Marketing, Social Media
I get this great report each day in my inbox from It has studies pulled in from experts on all things marketing. The chart that caught my eye this morning was created by comScore that shows a 72% increase in the use of smartphones to...
by sandisturm | Mobile Marketing
We see it every day while we are out and about. Babies holding their parents phone, chewing on it, looking at movies, banging it on the shopping cart. Actually makes me cringe when I think of how much my smartphone cost. It is almost as if they are in training. ...
by sandisturm | Mobile Marketing
I admit it. I am hooked on infographics. A new one came across my desk this morning from Volinsky Consulting. It is not specifically about mobile marketing, but you really cannot develop a marketing plan without including mobile marketing. Before I jump into...
by sandisturm | Mobile Marketing, mobile websites
Since internet access on mobile devices will outnumber internet access on desktop computers by mid 2013, it is a no-brainer that your small business should have a mobile website. But how does that happen? While there are many websites out there trying to sell you easy...