by sandisturm | Small Business Marketing
We can learn a lot about small business marketing from the Alaska village of Talkeetna, which is about a two and a half hour drive up from Anchorage. With an area of less than 50 square miles and a population that fluctuates from 700 – 1,000, depending on the...
by sandisturm | home builders
Ten years ago, placing ads in newspapers, having short radio announcements, and if you had the budget, a 30 second television commercial would bring in all the people you needed to your Parade of Homes or Showcase event. But today, newspapers are becoming smaller and...
by sandisturm | Blogging, inbound marketing, Link Building
Link building can be a daunting task, and very time consuming. But the time is well worth the results, especially since Google considers inbound links from authoritative sites as good as a personal reference. One way to build inbound links is to develop a list of...
by sandisturm | Lead Generation
Getting hits to your website has been the measurement of success for quite a while now. You hear people tell you, “I have 2,000 unique visitors to my website each month!” Your response should be, “How many of those did you turn into...